Informing your college application journey.

Application Tips Florence Lehr Application Tips Florence Lehr

Common Application Explained

The Common Application is the platform used by 900 schools to submit your application. The main components are the personal statement and the activities list, but there are other aspects to submitting your applications which are important as well, all outlined for you in this blog.

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Application Tips Florence Lehr Application Tips Florence Lehr

Which college application deadline is right for you?

There are many different types of application deadlines: early decision, early action, regular decision, and rolling. Determining the best deadline for you means considering all the application requirements including creative supplements, as well as your financial aid requirements as different deadlines have different implications for aid.

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Timeline for Juniors

Junior year in high school can be very busy. Creative students need to start researching colleges early as they will need to prepare and submit portfolios and audition materials, in addition to writing many supplemental essays. This checklist tells you what you should focus on and when as you apply to college.

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Juniors, do some (or all) of these college application tasks over the summer to greatly reduce your stress in the fall

Have fun over the summer, but squeeze in time to do some of these college application tasks and your fall will be less stressful, and you’ll feel so accomplished!

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12 Things Students Should Do Before The Semester Ends

Here are 12 things that students can do to finish the year strong. Juniors and even Sophomores can take these easy steps to set themselves up for strong college applications.

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